Environmentalist or Environmental-ish?

There are many ways each of us can perform Watershed CPR in our own lives. As a result, the path to becoming a Watershed Defender will look a little different for each person. Taking a look at our everyday actions and understanding how they can affect the health of the watershed is a good place to start.

Find out whether you are more ‘environmental-ish’, or ‘environmental-ist’. As you read through the checklist below, select “Yes!” for actions you currently do most of the time, “Sometimes” for the actions you do some of the time (but would like to do more), and “Not yet” for those that you are not currently doing.

Waste Reduction

Yes!SometimesNot yet 
Bringing reusable bags to the store
Purchasing food and drinks with minimal packaging
Composting food scraps
Choosing reusable containers when packing a lunch
Avoiding “wish-cycling,” where you toss something in a recycling bin and hope it’s able to be recycled
Reducing food waste by only purchasing what you know you will eat
Ordering coffee or tea in a reusable cup

Habitat Protection

Yes!SometimesNot yet 
Staying on designated trails while hiking
Abiding by park signage and rules, including staying out of protected areas
Picking up after pets while on a walk
Taking part in a river or park clean-up
Participating in an invasive species removal event

Water Conservation

Yes!SometimesNot yet 
Turning off the tap while brushing teeth
Running the dishwasher or doing laundry only when you have a full load
Reporting leaky faucets so they can be repaired quickly
Abiding by community water use regulations (such as when to wash a car or water a lawn)

… and More

Yes!SometimesNot yet 
Eating less meat
Never feeding or attempting to touch wild animals
Supporting politicians who prioritize sustainable growth
Minimizing your use of a car by carpooling, using public transit, biking, or walking

Aspiring Environmental-ish

You’re on your way to becoming an environmentally-minded Watershed Defender, but you’ve still got some work to do!  Low-impact, sustainable actions like those listed above can make a difference in transforming the Fraser into a resilient watershed.  Take a look back at your responses – is there something you can commit to doing more often to have a greater impact on watershed health?


You are on your way to becoming an effective and environmentally minded Watershed Defender! Remember that low-impact and sustainable actions can be taken anywhere, from your own backyard to the remote wilderness. By making these changes in your own life and in your community, you can make a big difference in transforming the Fraser into a resilient watershed.


You are an effective and environmentally minded Watershed Defender! You remember that low-impact and sustainable actions can be taken anywhere, from your own backyard to the remote wilderness. Continue to make these decisions in your own life and in your community, because you are an important part in transforming the Fraser into a resilient watershed.

Continue to Next PageCongratulations! You’ve unlocked the Watershed Defender ChallengeCongratulations! You’ve unlocked the Watershed Defender Challenge

Teacher’s Guide

Teacher’s Guide – Salmon Fry (best suited for elementary school students)

Teacher’s Guide – Salmon (best suited for high school students & older)


Please use this form to let us know what you think of this resource. Are there improvements you’d like to see? Good and bad, we’d like to hear from you!



Additional Resources – Salmon Fry (best suited for elementary school students)

Additional Resources – Salmon (best suited for high school students and older)

Keep learning about Watershed CPR with this resource from the Fraser River Discovery Centre: My River, My Home


The Watershed CPR Education Program is a self-guided, virtual learning experience all about the Fraser River, created by the Rivershed Society of BC.

In this virtual experience, users are introduced to the three pillars of Watershed CPR—Connect, Protect, and Restore—through a series of engaging activities and interactives about the Fraser Watershed. Users will learn about the flora and fauna that inhabit the Fraser; the First Nations who have lived in this area since time immemorial; some of the conservation issues affecting the watershed; and how to “perform Watershed CPR” and become a Watershed Defender.

To learn more about Watershed CPR and the Rivershed Society of BC, visit rivershed.com.


Thank you to our partners in development: Cicada Creative and Canadian Geographic, and immense gratitude to the Kwantlen First Nation for their time and contributions to the program. Consultation from Raincoast Conservation Foundation. Funding provided by the Pacific Salmon Foundation, and Environment and Climate Change Canada, via the Environmental Damages Fund.

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Enquiries and concerns regarding our Privacy Code or your personal information should be directed to the Privacy Officer, RSBC address.

This Golden Paw Print means that this is information that can help make your migration journey successful in the Watershed Defender section.